This time - another walker mech. I ran across a magnificent piece of concept art by Alex Iglesias. The design in so awesome and memorable that the name stuck - all across the web this particular mech is known as "The Fiddler". It just looks so badass...
It had no "military" name so I made one up - SPWP-170A (Self-Propelled Weapons Platform, 170 tonnes, Variant A.) (Variant B will most probably have hands.)
But there are obvious differences. This fiddler has no small "arms" under the head and most of the features are eyeballed at best, but the general frame is roughly similar - and the proportions of it is what really sells it, IMHO.
Again, divided into bits, verified with Netfabb - checks out OK. Small in size because it's intended to be DLP'ed at tabletop scales. Will post photos when it finishes printing.
Oh boy, making mechs sure is fun.
3DGence ONE
Doesn't Matter
.1, .15
Again - support sensitive.
More Blender, more better.