Hi Guys
This is the infamous Prometheus Lens that Bungie got all wrong when they released it. I just had to model it.
It has a lot of parts but the prints are reasonably straightforward. I build one entire side on a flat surface to keep the gun straight then glue the individual parts from the other side onto that. This is the only way you won't end up with a banana. It has a hollowed out middle section so you can add lights like mine if you wish. I used a small supermarket torch that shines through a hole onto the crystal and some blue LED strips inside to light up the clear sections. The six rings at the back and the middle top section of this part need to be printed in clear material.
I glued the crystal directly to the pointers though the real one just kind of floats in space.
It's a big project so be prepared for a lot of work but it came out ok I think.
As always, have fun and happy printing.