Popeye is a classic cartoon character who starred in his first comic strips in the 1920s and later in a animated shorts in the 1930s through the late 50s. Popeye continues to show up on TV, in film, and comic strips around the world. I hadn't heard much about Popeye in some time, so I created a composite of his various designs for animation. Translating this classic super sailor into 3d was tricky. Capturing his classic profile, bulbous forearms, and awkward proportions was an interesting challenge. Supports are helpful, but I'd suggest printing him upside down and a slight angle, tilting the toes up to avoid most issues with overhangs in his chin and fingers. This will also allow his shoes to print cleanly, which is helpfully, since he is a freestanding figure.
Anycubic Kossel Linear
Doesn't Matter
0.1 to 0.2
0 to 15%
Supports are helpful, but I'd suggest printing him upside down and a slight angle, tilting the toes up to avoid most issues with overhangs in his chin and fingers. This will also allow his shoes to print cleanly, which is helpfully, since he is a freestanding figure.