The initial Concept design, was created by a user known as "ilyatreleaven" over on deviantArt, he has some amazing designs so if you want to support him or just check his work !!
Please visit here:
Official Description
"Some free time art i did. Just a fun little sketch all around." - ilyatreleaven
I took his concept design and made it 3D Printable ! the design is pretty faithful to the original, however some small design changes where made to make it both printable and accurate.
The lower blade is removable
This is not a functional design, its a prop. (However if theirs interest i will add more functionality.)
If you do print this, please post a "make", i would love to see this !!
The Original concept designer, has the right to request the removal this design at any point. (So download while you can)
If you like the design, Please read below:
I have been silently converting peoples concept designs, into 3D printable models, as i find this fun, Im going to start releasing these files for free, incrementally, as i finish them. Some are quiet simplistic, and a few are quite detailed. (These releases are also dependent on if the original concept designers, are okay with realeaseing a 3D printable version)
Here is the good bit, if you have a concept design of a prop you would love to see made, please contact me, i will happily convert your design into a 3D Printable file, for FREE !!!
Whats the catch ? i hear you ask......... Their is just one, im SLOW, it can take me a while to produce the designs. Im a full time teacher, so i do this in my free time. So if you dont mind a wait potential long wait im happy to work with you for FREE.
Talk Soon
Printer Brand:
Doesn't Matter