This is a 28mm remix of both noted files, and thanks to both the crafters of those files.
I upscaled the model to 28mm, carved off the tracks and trench crossing tail into separate files. I modified Tiger Ace's turrets and re-crafted both the MGs and cannon; in the interest of durability. I made a separate turret pivot which enable a cleaner turret print plus you only have to print one pivot and glue it to the hull; and you can easily swap out the turrets.
It printed all with supports WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE "tail"; please print that without supports, as the cross members thwart efforts to clean out the supports on the tail section; as for the rest there are overhanging bits and I am not sure a print without supports would turn out; i have not tried to do so.
The FT was a WW1 tank but was widely employed in early WW2; by the Poles and the French, and many captured by the Axis were then employed in anti-partisan duties. The BA rules this as a very slow tank, but provides 7+ armour and a mobile MMG for only 35 points.