by ThatEvilOne
Welcome Friends! Cadia has fallen and the guard need manpower more then ever! It is our duty to whip the shattered legion of Cadia and the fresh reinforcements for Armageddon into shape.
I have provided four poseable guardsmen and their standard issue lasguns and hellguns. These are print friendly and only need a program such as blender, maya, motionbuilder or 3ds max along with several other options to pose.
Should you take up such a task in the Emperors name be creative and dynamic! Funnel new weapons into the hands of proper Emperor fearing men! But most important of all PLEASE LIST IT AS A REMIX so that generals who come here will be more easily able to find reinforcements and fresh poses.
If the Emperor calls you more to the field of battle be sure to WATCH this page in the top right to be notified every time a new wave arrives.