Loved this model, tried to print her a few times and kept having issues so finally had to make a modified version to make her usable.
Changed pen holder by cutting off the top of the existing pen holder and stretching it out to make an extended version. This one is big enough to hold much larger pens (Her current 120mm height doesn't hurt either)
Changed the pigtails to drape onto her shoulders to make this model much easier to print. Not having to support the pigtails fixes the one element I could never print right. It not a perfect re-sculpt, but the flaws in this change don't come out in the print. I think it looks more natural too.
Stretched the forearms out a bit longer to get her hands to the ground.
Sliced the bottom of the hands and bottom of the legs (just barely) to get them to lie flat on the build surface, which also helps make her stance more secure on the desk.
Got a blessing from COLOR3DJP so I could share her with you.