by Gryfalcon
I tried to print the original, but because of the head design it wouldn't print successfully without supports enabled everywhere, which in turn made cleaning out all the other pieces (so you can run a string though them) more work than I was willing to go through. I separated the head file (print with supports everywhere) from the rest of the parts (print with supports touching build plate only). Then I ran both parts through Netfabb and corrected a couple issues with some of the ball joints.
The baby in the picture was printed before I fixed the file with the ball joints, so I used 3 balls I'd cleaned from my initial attempt to print baby Jasper with supports everywhere. The everything should print fine now , I intend to do another print run to confirm this; I'll upload pictures once I have.
As you can see from the picture, I need to improve my string tying/tightening skills, but still, very happy with this baby.
My doll was printed on an Ender 3 Pro at 1.2mm layer height, supports as I just described above.