by Ismael_jiso
Dexter's Laboratory is an American comic science fiction animated television show created by Genndy Tartakovsky for Cartoon Network. It follows Dexter, a boy-genius and inventor with a hidden laboratory in his room, which he keeps as a secret from his parents. He is in a constant battle with his older sister Dee Dee, who always finds a way to get inside Dexter's lab and inadvertently foil his experiments.
The current models have a height of 3.5 mm. And all its dimensions are based on its animated serie from different perspectives. I apologize if you have to scale the model, but with a larger size it would be impossible to load it.
This model can be, and at the same time, not collectable, because I will continue designing more characters from the same story, respecting their presentations, and physical improvements. It does not count, nor will it count, with an acquisition price, but any donation to continue improving the results will be appreciated.
" This model, like all the ones I'm designing, will be found only in Thingiverse and Cults3d. Please avoid uploading it to other sites, as they will be informed for instant cancellation. This measure is to take into account the time invested that is needed to model each one, the awareness of the CC license and my attribution to give them the best possible designs. "
I hope you like it! Any suggestion, I will gladly read it. Any remix of this one will be appreciated to improve its printing quality.