UN DEFENSE FORCES (RDF) Lynn Minmay Strategic Game Piece. Miss Minmay helps to Rally Troops, and can be used as a Psychological weapon against those enemies who lack culture (Zentraedi and Robotech Masters).
Whatever Sector or Region Miss Minmay stays in gains the ability to double its Mobilization Points. On the Tactical Map Miss Minmay can attempt to Confuse and demoralize enemy units within Line Of Sight.
Miss Minmay has a +2 PW/LDR ranking.
Save vs. Psychological Warfare is a Natural 6 (adjusted by the units Leadership). Thus, A Zentraedi Officer with a 2 Leadership saves on a 4, 5, or 6 and can rally forces within Line of Sight the same way.
Miss Minmay is a Strategic Game Piece and can not be destroyed but she can be captured. Miss Minmays' captivity reduces UN and UEG ASC Forces will power thus divides their ability to mobilize troops to 1/2 while captive.