by erwoong
[Kinetic Whales]
Printable kinetic 3D whales.
Simple assembly is required.
Assemble instruction is in my youtube channel
Use a raw 1.75mm filament while assemble some parts.
May need a glue and sandpaper while assemble the parts. It depends on a 3d-printer's condition.
The object tested by FDM 3d printer with PLA and ABS filament.
[Printing Details]
Layer height:
0.10mm (Crank_axle, Support_Babywhale, Support_body, support_head, Support_tail, Wheel.stl)
0.15mm (BabyWhale, Head_jaw, Body_01~03, Tail, Left_flipper, Right_flipper, Flukes, Pins.stl)
0.18mm (Base, Cover, SavetheWhales_tag.stl)
Shell count: 3
Fill density: 15~20%
Time to do: about 1300 - 1400 minutes
Technology: FDM
Material: PLA or ABS
Dimensions: 200mm x 130mm x 105mm
Material Quantity: about 160g