by E-Stellinga
fusion 360 file:
This was my first try at modeling my own rc moddel so it stil had some issues which i didn't fix jet. Thats why it might be helpfull to use a dremel in the building proces to sand down some parts.
The issues that occured where the following:
Underpowerd motor for turret rotation
front blade doesnt rase/lower properly because of the servo's running in opposite directions
cilinder breakdown because of the way the bolts are attached in the cilinder.
the top frame isnt stiff enough and bends.
i also had a lot of problems because i used arduino to control the machine and i had to few coding experience. so you might want to order a 10 channel remote (for instant flysky i6s)
when both boom cilinders are attached they get jammed
about 3kg of fillament
23x 10mm outer diameter / 5mm inner diameter / 4mm hight bearing
lego technic differential + gears
i dont know which driving motor i used but its diameter was 25 mm
3/4x N20 geared moter with threaded end
5x sg90 micro servo
5x motor driver (i used 3x L298)
bruder wheels
motor to turn turret (i used 28BYJ-48 which was underpowered)
5x M5 bolt + nut
+/- 60x M3 bolt + nut
5x5mm button for end stops
+/- 70cm 5mm rod
reciever (i used a arduino mega(excavator), arduino uno(remote) and 2x hc-module)
I hope i didn't forget any files or information.
Good luck