by ArdenFell
Following on from my previous Adafruit lightsaber model here is a two handed saber based on an O Katana style.
This started late last night, after now having printed several versions of my Grey Jedi Saber, I had a few "failed prints" and a few "superseded" grips laying around.
So.... why not stick them together with some 5 min epoxy? Okay I know have a double length grip. Hmmmmmm? How about an O Katana two handed saber? That might look cool on a Sith....
So after a couple of hours in Fusion I now have The Grey Jedi Okatana.
The print files are attached and as with the previous version, I have both the wrapped (wrap.stl) and unwrapped (grip.stl) files for those who want to add a real leather cloth texture to thrier grips.
The Shroud will need glued to the Emitter, but they are two files for wase of painting and printing.
The Emitter is recessed for a 7 neopixel spot (approx 22mm diamerter)
There are two version of the Wrap.stl and the Grip.stl's. These are the Mk1 and Mk3. The Mk1 version will connect to the Pommel file and allow a 40mm speaker to be fitted to the pommel. The Mk3 will screw into the Mk1to provide the double length handel.
The threads have been toleranced for an Ender 3 runninng on Low Quality (0.28mm) in Cura 4.4.1 (as this allows things to be fitted without being too tight.
The cradles for an Adafruit Feather M4 Express and Prop Maker Wing wing are included. These should fit in either Mk1 or Mk3 Grip/Wraps depending on where you want electronics for balance.
Lastly the Covertec screw and belt clip are also included.