by johnbearross
A monstrous mech weapon, able to rend steel and adamantium with sickening ease.
This single-blade chainsword is huge! 5.389 inches (5 and 3/8ths, roughly) or 137mm long. GW figs in scale shots for reference only.
Build is in inches, so scale by 2540% for mm, 254% for cm slicers.
Supports will be tricky, with those blade teeth. Sorry.
Sword can be build in separate parts, or one piece (STLs for both).
Original sculpt by me in support of my books' releases.
Lots of hard-hitting interdimensional mech combat action, if you're into that sort of thing. ;)
Defiance: Junctionworld Book 1
Breakthrough: Junctionworld Book 2
JBR/Bear Ross