by mech-G
Boeing's Loyal Wingman drone being developed for the Royal Australian Air Force.
One version of the fuselage has built-in supports, the other does not.
Fuselage printed vertically
0% infill
Zero top and bottom layers.
2 perimeters of .45mm extrusion width.
Set cooling parameters to slow down the print to 10mm/s near tip of nose.
Create a modifier zone on first 5 layers of the fuselage with 100% infill to make the beginning of the supports solid. Doing this instead of having top/bottom layers throughout insures the end of the engine outlet will be hollow.
Print wings vertically.
Wings are symmetrical top-to-bottom, making left and right identical, so just print two copies of the file provided.
0 % infill
5 top and 5 bottom layers.
Optionally you can add a stiffener rib in the wing by creating a tall, thin modifer box in the middle of the wing that has 10% concentric infill.
Print stand with 25% infill grid
5 top layers
3 bottom layers
3 perimeters