by MAkings2018
Bender-INO v1
powered by Nodemcu board (Arduino based) and motor shield.
[------- FOLLOW US --------]
Take a look on Instagram -> @ma.kings18:
and Youtube:
if you want to offer us a beer:
If you want the code (.ino) or some part for the wiring schema please follow us on Instagram and ask us with DM, but !-FIRST!- read the DISCLAIMER at the bottom of this page.
[ --> Most of the electronics has been recycled from other stuff or other projects <-- ]
The 3D printed parts are all made in PLA.
[ ! Part list ! ]
Nodemcu board (esp8266) and motor shield
Cheap stepper motor (28BYJ-48) with driver board (ULN2003) [eyes forward / backward ]
RGB WS2812B LED, 5050 package [1x Antenna / 2x eyes / 18x teeths]
Push button, just like the one on arcade game cabinates [Antenna can be clicked]
Cheap SD Card reader with audio amplifier (MP3TF 16P) [Play sound]
SD Card (128 mb) [Audio files]
Speaker 5 Watt 8 Ohm [Play sound]
SD card reader (Has been disassembled from an USB reader)
SD card (or 3D Printed fake sd card)
Magnet sensor (Has been disassembled from an alarm door sensor... And replaced with a new one! Stay safe)
Magnets (in order to get the external magnet a place to stay / Internal for flexo goatee)
Usb cable (power / code) + Jack female (if you need an external source different from usb)
Hot Glue (!!)
Soldering gun (!!!)
Wires (!!!! FROR 4x022 and 2x075)
Heat shrink (!!!!)
Patience and hope (!!!!!!!! hope, not dope <-)
[! Printed Part List ! ]
Antenna sphere (it needs to be a little bigger, it's really "precise")
Antenna Body
Antenna Bottom
Holder for push button / Antenna chassis
Top head
Mid head (external)
Visor (external)
Visor (internal the visor external)
Bottom head (external)
"Feets" (screwed to the internal part)
Mid head (internal) for the motor housing
Motor Rack and pinion (I'm not sure that this is the right english word)
Bottom head (internal)
[ ! Software part ! ]
Arduino IDE (for nodemcu board)
MQTT Server (I'm using Bender as a client because I already have an MQTT server on home assistant)
Python client (If you want to reproduce the Email reader or the Rocket League game score system)
[ --- DISCLAIMER --- ]
Before starting this project please note that this has been made for hobby!
-> I'm not a professionist and probably this project will no longer get evolutions (..from me, at least!).
--> It's not simple to wiring, it's not really good coded and maybe it's all wired wrongly but:
---> HEY! It works, it's fun and I like it :-)
One more thing:
I'd like to say really THANKS to xbost team, who shares on Thingiverse their project and place a base to permit me to go futher this idea.
Enjoy and have fun ^^
Print Settings
Printer brand:
Ender 3 Pro
Doesn't Matter
Doesn't Matter
It depends on which part are you printing, however that's all PLA.