first proud of design and print. waiting for my baby girl to arrive soon i made this hammock bed design. the printed parts are to catch and attach the wood ones. so size can be easily modified. i made the inside of printed parts 22mm but the wood was made 21,6 for a very good fit and to be able to take apart easily to take it with us. strong rob is in between the wood parts for easier transport and mare strength. tested it with my 5 years 20kg boy and it was good ;).
Printer Brand:
Doesn't Matter
im not very sure of these settings since i didn't keep them in mind (new to 3D printing) but i think this is what i used, more infill won't hurt i think to make even stronger.
how to
just buy or cut the wood parts to your liking :). or what you can find available.
print each STL (base and top) 4 pieces of each
adjust the STLs if needed to fit in the wood parts
make holes in wood parts to fit a rob or other for more strength.
test and enjoy
my wife saw something like it on internet. expensive and i dont trust things i didn't test my self for my kids so i decided to design my own. just looked a lot on internet to see measurements and shapes and voila :)